Prayer for the week: from Remembering Srebrenica on the 26th anniversary of the murder of 8,000 Bosnian Muslim men and boys

O God of truth and justice,
we remember today the consequences of hatred in lives brutally extinguished
in hearts torn apart, in memories scarred with pain.
As we remember and honour the victims of hatred,
lead us to sorrow over the sins of humanity.
Draw close, we pray,
to mothers and sisters, wives and grandmothers
and all relatives and loved ones left behind, and heal the pain in their souls.
And teach us, O Lord,
to learn how to live for a world
where differences are respected and valued, and where fear and mistrust
can never overwhelm us
nor vengeance be stirred in our hearts.
Give peace we pray, to the people of Srebrenica; that their lives may be restored
through your grace.

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