Thank you to the CWP team – and the next CWP is 17th August.

Thank you all for helping clear the squadrons of brambles and weeds yesterday morning. We achieved huge progress on the northern and southern boundaries and in the flower bed alongside the road . We have rediscovered the hidden oil tank also!

Monica, thank you for bringing us at almost zero notice , coffee and hob nobs.

There is more to do before the autumn in the south western corner , around the flower beds , around overgrown graves as well as having a bonfire .

It would be a huge help if you could lend some time on Saturday 17th August at 10am for 2 hours .



Moth and Bat evening 2024

Thank you to those who contributed to our bat and moth evening. We enjoyed our picnics on the grass outside church as dusk fell, being entertained by our musicians singing from the church porch before hearing brief but informative talks from Paul and Gary on the habits of moths and bats.

The moths were prolific. When the traps were closed at 3.30am they were fairly humming with moths, with 51 species identified including the wonderfully named ‘Snout’ and ‘True Lover’s Knot’ moths! The bats were shy, with one solitary Pipistrelle putting in a brief appearance. Although a dry evening, except for dew, it was too cold for bats but okay for humans (just!) and there were no midges. You can’t have it all!

Here’s the full list of moth species identified the next day.

Gold W
Brown House Moth
Dark Fruit-tree Tortrix
Yellow Oak Tortrix
Common Marble
Garden Grass-moth
White-banded Grass-moth
Common Grey
Tawny Grey
Pied Grey
Small Magpie
Buff Arches
Riband Wave
Barred Straw
Pine Carpet
July Highflyer
Clouded Border
Brimstone Moth
Early Thorn
Swallow-tailed Moth
Willow Beauty
Mottled Beauty
Privet Hawk-moth
Poplar Hawk-moth
Black Arches
Common Footman
Buff Ermine
Heart and Dart
Large Yellow Underwing
True Lover’s Knot
Purple Clay
Setaceous Hebrew Character
Bright-line Brown-eye
Smoky Wainscot
Common Wainscot
Minor Shoulder-knot
Poplar Grey
Dark Arches
Marbled sp
Rufous Minor
Mottled Rustic
Silver Y
Dark Spectacle
Cnephasia sp (no vernacular name given).
And the scientific names…
Argyresthia brockeella
Hofmannophila pseudospretella
Pandemis heparana
Cnephasia sp
Aleimma loeflingiana
Celypha lacunana
Chrysoteuchia culmella
Crambus pascuella
Scoparia ambigualis
Eudonia lacustrata
Eudonia delunella
Eurrhypara hortulata
Habrosyne pyritoides
Idaea aversata
Eulithis pyraliata
Thera firmata
Hydriomena furcata
Lomaspilis marginata
Opisthograptis luteolata
Selenia dentaria
Ourapteryx sambucaria
Peribatodes rhomboidaria
Alcis repandata
Sphinx ligustri
Laothoe populi
Phalera bucephala
Lymantria monacha
Eilema lurideola
Spilosoma luteum
Agrotis exclamationis
Noctua pronuba
Lycophotia porphyrea
Diarsia brunnea
Xestia c-nigrum
Lacanobia oleracea
Mythimna vitellina
Mythimna impura
Mythimna pallens
Brachylomia viminalis
Acronicta megacephala
Acronicta aceris
Apamea monoglypha
Oligia sp
Oligia versicolor
Hoplodrina alsines
Hoplodrina blanda
Caradrina morpheus
Autographa gamma
Abrostola triplasia
Abrostola tripartita
Hypena proboscidalis
Zanclognatha tarsipennalis


Choral Evensong (Cantu Amici) for the Fifth Sunday of Easter.

Choral Evensong for the Fifth Sunday of Easter can be watched here.

Choral Evensong, BCP, led by The Rev’d Heather Wilkin with guest choir Cantu Amici, directed by George Clifford.

Music: I sat down under his shadow (EC Bairstow)
Preces & Responses (William Smith)
Psalm 137 (WR Bexfield)
Exultate Deo (Alessandro Scarlatti)
Magnificat in B flat (Charles Villiers Stanford)
The Lord bless you and keep you (John Rutter)
plus congregational hymns: Ye choirs of new Jerusalem (tune St Fulbert): The Lord is risen indeed (tune St Michael).


APCM Annual Report

Sunday evening’s Annual Parochial Church Meeting’s Annual Trustees’ report and Financial Report can now be read via this link.

We are grateful to Karen, Deanery Synod Representative for St Margaret’s West Hoathly, for sharing her 2023 report with us. Read Karen’s report here.

The results of this year’s elections for Churchwardens, PCC and Deanery Synod.

Adam Hackett
Roger Cobden-Ramsay
Members of The Parochial Church Council.
The Rev’d Heather Wilkin (ex-officio)
Heather Chapman
Roger Cobden-Ramsay (ex-officio)
Adam Hackett (ex-officio)
Sophie Hill
Rosemary King
Tony Osborn
Simon Witheridge
There is one further nomination for the PCC who will be confirmed and coopted on receipt of the necessary paperwork.
Deanery Synod – Vacant. If you would enjoy taking on this role please contact The Rev’d Heather.
The minutes of the 2024 apcm can be read here.


Thank you Tony

Tony Osborn was presented with a gift to mark his retirement after thirty years service as Churchwarden at Sunday’s Annual Parochial Church meeting. We thank Tony for his dedicated service and we’re delighted to share the news that he will be remaining on the PCC to lend his wisdom to sort out any thorny issues.  The PCC is delighted that Roger Cobden-Ramsay (r) has taken on the mantle and will be serving, with Adam Hackett (l), in the role of Churchwarden henceforth.

Chronicle, April/May edition.

Read the church pages of this month’s Chronicle here.

If you’d like to read the full magazine (and there’s lots in it to read) please either collect one from the table at the back of church or contact us for subscription details. We can arrange to have it posted to you if you’ve moved from the parish but would like to keep in touch. The Chronicle carries news from West Hoathly, Sharpthorne and Highbrook and is published six times per year. Individual copies may be purchased at £1.50, a year’s sub is £7.

Trees – part one…

The first phase of our planned tree maintenance works has been done today and the plane tree on the south side of the churchyard is now neatly pollarded. We are very grateful for your support and generous donations which have enabled us to go ahead with this very necessary work. We hope you agree it’s a great improvement!

Worship for Good Friday.

Worship with music for Good Friday from All Saints, Highbrook, Sussex. 30th March 2023. Led by The Rev’d Heather Wilkin.
The Passion Reading, John 18:1-19:37. 

Watch here on youtube.

Music includes Ave Verum Corpus, WA Mozart,
Commit thy way, JS Bach
Christus factus est, Felice Anerio (ed. Rutter),
Good Friday Reproaches, Finlandia – Sibelius.
plus congregational hymns:
When I survey the Wondrous Cross; Were you there when they crucified My Lord; My song is Love Unknown.