A Prayer for the Week by St Julian of Norwich

In you, Father all-mighty, we have our preservation and our bliss.
In you, Christ, we have our restoring and our saving.
You are our mother, brother, and Saviour.
In you, our Lord the Holy Spirit, is marvellous and plenteous grace.
You are our clothing; for love you wrap us and embrace us.
You are our maker, our lover, our keeper.
Teach us to believe that by your grace all shall be well,
and all shall be well, and all manner of things shall be well.

Leavers’ Bibles

At the end of the school year, we will be presenting the 10 Year 6 leavers of West Hoathly Primary School with a Bible – a symbol of our Christian care and nature for the young people of our Church school, and a reminder to them of their time there. If you would like to sponsor a Bible (at a cost of £14.40 per Bible), please speak to Mthr Nicol.

A Prayer for Pentecost

Generous God
as you pour your anointing Spirit on us
so may we pour out your love
on those we will have contact with today;
may we demonstrate by what we say and what we are,
that all are valued and precious in your sight
because they are your people.

Lent charities

Sadly due to the lockdown, we were unable to hold many of Lent fundraising activities. However, from the Pancake Party and donations, we did raise £74.66. We know charities are more in need of support than ever, so we have split the total and sent it to Family Support Work and Chestnut Tree House hospice for children. Thank you to everyone who contributed.

RE: Village Hall Meeting December

Dear Highbrook Resident,
While putting up next year’s calendar and reaching for 2018 diaries we hope you will add:
Friday 16th February 18.30 at Village Hall. A Meeting to further discuss the role of the Church in the Community.
We had a well-attended Meeting last year.
We who administer the church would like to update you on our plans and proposals and have your feedback. In the end, the church depends on your support. We are very much its temporary custodians and we need to be able to reflect your thoughts and to say what support we have in the community (whether or not you are a regular churchgoer) in our discussions with the Church Authorities, which is particularly important during the Interregnum.
Tony Osborn and Adam Hackett on behalf of All Saints PCC

(See Event in Diary)

Highbrook Mozart Concert Sunday 18th March 2018

Mozart Requiem Concert. Coro Nuovo, a Mid Sussex based choir directed by Andrew Rees.
Lots of local publicity will follow.We have been lucky to have some fine choirs at Highbrook in recent months, but this will be directed and performed by musicians of the highest caliber.

Tickets are available if you want to get in early and do not want to miss out.
Tickets can be purchased by:
Email: tickets@coronuovo.org.uk
Phone: 07740 946276
Online: coronuovo.org.uk/online-tickets/
See Event in Diary